Yeah…. just get to thinking you know what you’re doing and the powers that be will let you know you do not.

I went up to the studio today to work some more on prepped boards. I rummaged around and found some nifty paper I bought in Carcassonne France quite a number of years ago. Yes, I noted it has a glossy surface but I thought I should try it anyway after all I’m still learning to do this wax painting and transfer stuff. I like collage but sometimes it would be better to have a transfer of certain lines or designs instead of collaging them in.

SO, I just heated my surface, slapped the torn paper on and rubbed it to death. While doing this I noted I wasnt’t see a lot of lines coming through the paper as this paper is a little thicker than just plain old copy paper. I kept on though until I figured it was time to try the water dissolve and rub off thing. I gotta tell you, you need a lot more water and rubbing with this paper and it wasn’t entirely successful if you want a transfer that looks perfect. I can thank those same powers that be that I don’t. My perfection is imperfection.

It was still a flat transfer since I rubbed away so much of the thickness of the paper but it might not be worth it really to use this kind of thicker paper with a sealer on it for this technique.

Then I thought….OKAY…where am I going next with this piece so I rummaged around for some more paper and came up with a dark navy almost black looking paper. I say black since it looked that way until I took a picture of it and it looks dark blue there. I assure you it is more black than blue. I tore, fused, cut, laid it down, fused. Painted yellow paint on places, fused. You cannot forget to keep fusing every layer.

I got tired, hubby was home, and so I decided that was it for the day. I made a bunch of my own kind of marks into the surface……OOPs, now it looks like one of my landscape marks in the middle so I had to do some negative painting. Finally I decided I would have to put it away and come back and see if a miracle would happen over night.

So lesson learned (although I already knew it)…..never think you know how to do anything. Some days are flow days, some days are lesson days.

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